Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Five: Arts & crafts

As music therapists, we use a lot of props. Instruments, puppets, scarves, books, and parachutes are ready-made tools that are often very useful in sessions. But what about the props we make at home? Trivia, music bingo, and bean bag toss are a few examples of the homemade props that can be used in MT sessions.

Today's Friday Five is all about the art tools I could not live without.

1) Posterboards You can find several in my home tucked away in corners, closets, and trunks. Posterboards are often the base for my props because they are big and easy to see from across the room.
2) Velcro Whenever I take a trip to the store for a MT prop, I come away with velcro. I've found it extremely handy to use on posterboards. Find examples for its use on previous posts (Halloween costume game and poker).
3) Laminating paper Really, you don't even need a bulky machine to laminate! I use Scotch self-laminating sheets. Everything comes out looking professional and durable and 1000x better than papers that have not been laminated.
4) Color printer A quality print will catch a lot of attention in your session. If it is beautiful and colorful, clients will be a lot more exited about your activity.
5) Sharpies Not only is it necessary to have the basic sharpie colors for use on posterboard, but I've recently found the silver sharpies show beautifully on black.

What are some homemade creations of your own and what tools have you found most important?

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